Sunday, November 4, 2012

The President's Photographer

1. Who was the first American President to be photographed while in office? What photographic process was used?

James k. Polk --> 1845

2. Presidnet Abraham Lincoln had a photograph taken standing with his left hand on a stack of books. Why did he do this?

For a more scholarly and educated look.

3. Imagine you are the current President of the United States. What photographs would you like taken and shown to the public?

I would want pictures showing a well balanced, caring leader, who will be a good leader of the country.

4. What does the White House photo editor Alice Gabriner look for in selecting the right photographs to present to the public.

The picture needs to be in the moment, fresh and have good lighting.

5. Under President Obama, who has final approval over the photographs his administration releases to the public?

Lyndon Johnson

6. Why did President Obama decide not to personally approve all the photographs released to the public while Lyndon B. Johnson did?

Because there are so many pictures of him being taken everyday it would be impossibke to check. Also, with all the technology today it is very easy to take/make pictures.

7. Why do presidents and their staff review photographs before they are released?

To make sure that they do not make a bad impression of the president.

8. Who was the Chief White House Photographer for George W. Bush? When did he start taking pictures of the President?

Eric Draper --> When George W. Bush left texas.

9. What did George W. Bush say is the hardest decision any president has to make?

Sending people to fight in combat, because you know that people will lose their lives.

10. What did Chief White House Photographer Eric Draper say was the most intense moment during his entire time at the White House?

The moment that George W. Bush decided to send troops to fight in Iraq, and went outside to think things over.

11. Who did George W. Bush ask to follow him onto the South Lawn of the White House after he made the decision to go to war?

Spot the dog.

12. What do you think was being discussed in the Situation Room before George W. Bush left the room visibly upset?

I think he was talking about if he should or shouldn't go to war with Iraq.

13. If you were president of the United States, what would be some reasons you would use to decide to go to war?

To keep the other country under control.

Favorite Presidental Pictures

Photo: Lyndon B. Johnson addressing reporters

I like this picture because it captures the moment, and expresses the power that the Presidents carry.

Photo: John F. Kennedy hugging his young daughter

This picture represents that the Presidents also have a family that they care about, and are also just like everybody else int that way.

Photo: Barack and Michelle Obama in an elevator

I also like this picture because you can see the President and the Firt Lady having a special moment, with all the body gaurds looking away.

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